Site icon Alpine Loop Gran Fondo // Harrisonburg, Virginia

Finish Times, Time Cuts

It’s important to us that all cycling participants have a great experience on the courses and arrive at the Finish Line Festival with time to share in the celebration. We’d really like to see everyone cross the finish line by 6PM at the latest – that’d be 10 hours on course and within the sunset hour of early October.

The catering team will stop serving meals at 7PM and the Beer Garden will close at 6:30PM.

All riders are encouraged to choose a route according to their ability level, with a reasonable finish time in mind. This ensures the safety of cycling participants, volunteers and members of the community.

Time Check stations on the Alpine Loop route:

The first Time Check will be at mile 32. Riders who arrive at mile 32 after 11:15 a.m. will be detoured onto the Shenandoah Mountain Adventure course. Riders who arrive at mile 32 from 10:57-11:15 a.m. will be warned that they are riding behind the 10-hour pace but allowed to continue.

The second Time Check will be at mile 54. Riders who arrive at mile 54 after 1:30 p.m. will be detoured onto the Shenandoah Mountain Adventure course. Riders who arrive at mile 54 from 12:00-1:29 p.m. will be warned that they are riding behind the 10-hour pace and strongly encouraged to detour.

Riders who average 11 mph (including time spent at Rest Stations) are anticipated to arrive at the Finish Line at 5:52 p.m.

Time Check on the Shenandoah Mountain Century route:

Mile 60. Riders who are unable to arrive at mile 60 within 7 hours (by 3PM) will be directed toward the Finish Line on the course, omitting the 25-mile “Century Loop” portion of the route.

More than anything, the organizers of the Alpine Loop Gran Fondo want all participants to experience a SAFE and enjoyable adventure. We appreciate your important part in making that possible.

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