Fundraising participants exceeded the 2019 fundraising goal in advance of the Alpine Loop Gran Fondo and continued to rally support for the event’s charitable mission, with an impressive push in the final week of fundraising.

Following are the names of participants who actively gathered contributions in support of the Cancer Journeys Foundation Prostate Cancer Awareness Project, listed in order of most funds raised:
Sarah Hynes
GMike Rodgers
Jessica MacDonald
John Filicicchia
W. Paul Meehan
Michal Gnatek
Andrew Cummings
John Phifer
Evelyn Cooper
Gregory Rockett
Jacob Pretko
Jordan Spoon
Joseph Cozart
Dick Koch
Stephen Garrett
Vincent Kelly
Michael Bell
Glen Chalkley
Katie Jo Prince
Douglas Schutte
Justin Mauch
Kevin Dean
David Pence
Clay Perfall
Cal Perfall
Brendan Stackpole
Marc Quintyn
Ronald Maxseiner
Consuelo Bachelet
James Keller
Richard Pence
Byron Lynch
Neal Westgerdes
Randal Diggs
Brook Ballard
Alpine Loop Gran Fondo participants also showed their support for the charitable mission of the event, by making additional contributions along with their registrations into the event. For these contributions, thanks to the following:
Champions of the Gran Fondo:
Barry Sherry in honor of Glenn
GMike Rodgers
Jorg Decressin
Robert Hess
Gran Fondo Supporters:
Chris Hardee
Eddie Bumbaugh
Jeff Marco
John Ballard
Joseph Dugan
Friends of the Gran Fondo:
Andrew Cummings
Craig Beaumont
David Duvall
Frank Combs
George Weightman
Glen Chalkley
Jane Gray in honor of life-long best friend Carol Schimmer
Jon Katchmar
Ken West
Kevin Drawbaugh
Luis Prudencio
Matthew Freund
Michael Howard in honor of Ray Peirce
Paul Lengermann
Outstanding Participants:
Anne Mitchell
Bill Murray
Brian Howell
Chioma Ohalete
Cooper Fowler
Cooper Fowler (Jr)
dan behrend
Dave Hallam
Dave Johnson
David Safford
David Wang
Dennis Houmard
Dianne Wood
Jim Duncan
LC Yarnelle
Lee Bock
Michael Howard
Michael Pacilio
Nicholas Satriano
Palo Mojto
Phil Falconer in honor of Lucian K. Falconer Jr. and Neeta D. Falconer
Richard Crom
Samantha Dancy
Scott Hallworth
Tanja Landstrom
Theodore Jones
Timothy Hall
Todd Erickson
William Donahoe
Zachary Sease
Those who gave to the Gran Fondo Scholarship Fund, supporting free and reduced entries for 26 college, high school, and youth cyclists in 2019:
LC Yarnelle
Leah Haworth
Robin Truitt
Special thanks to those who joined in the 2019 Alpine Loop Gran Fondo as fundraising participants! These participants were so inspired to support the charitable mission,
their participation was purely fundraising based:
John Phifer
Ronald Maxseiner
With thanks to all who participated in or volunteered with the 2019 Alpine Loop Gran Fondo.
Learn more about the charitable mission of the Alpine Loop Gran Fondo.