Packet Pickup Locations/Times

and Packet Pickup will take place:

Saturday, October 5, 3-6PM
Bluestone Bike & Run
1570 S Main Street, Harrisonburg, Virginia

Sunday, October 6, 6:30-7:45AM
Turner Pavilion
228 S Liberty Street, Harrisonburg, Virginia

All participants will collect timing chips Sunday, October 6 at the Turner Pavilion.

2023 Sponsors

The 2023 Alpine Loop Gran Fondo was made possible thanks to the generous support from these partners:

Cancer Journeys Foundation
Prostate Cancer Awareness Project
The Myrias Group
Brothers Craft Brewing
Jeremiah Bishop Training

Bluestone Bike and Run
Bruce Buckley Photography
Chanellos Pizza
Chestnut Ridge Coffee Roasters
City of Harrisonburg, Virginia
Cutaway USA
East Coast Bicycle Academy
Experience Learning
Flow Formulas
Hanks BBQ
Harmony Harvest Farm
Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance
HoneyBaked Ham Harrisonburg
Honey Stinger
Ridge Supply
Rocktown Bicycles
Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition
SVE Timing – MidAtlantic
Sweetwater Farm Trail Center
Take Aim Cycling
Trade Show Direct
Tradeshow Direct
Trail Labs
US Foods

2023 Bib Numbers Assigned
















2023 Alpine Loop Gran Fondo bib numbers are available, scroll down to view.

Packet Pickup will take place:

Saturday, September 23, 2-6 p.m.
Brothers Craft Brewing
800 N Main Street,
Harrisonburg, Virginia
Brothers Craft Brewing parking lot can be accessed from 160 E. Washington Street.
Parking is also available in the adjacent Montebello Packaging parking lot on N. Main Street; and curbside.

Sunday, September 24, 6:30-7:45 a.m.

Turner Pavilion / Staging Area & Finish Line Location
228 S Liberty Street, Harrisonburg, Virginia

For those able to, please collect your packets on Saturday. Event-day packet pickup is for those unable to arrive on Saturday.

All participants need to collect their corresponding timing chip at the event2023 Bibs by Last Name. Timing chips will not be in rider packets. Simply approach the timing chip distribution tables one at a time and collect your chip. You must have your bib number with you. Timing chips must be returned at the finish line.

Riders can collect someone else’s number and packet if: the absent rider has completed their online event waiver (most of you have). Otherwise, they will need to check in and complete a form onsite. Please do not “do your friend a favor” and collect their bib number and packet without asking them first – this leads to confusion.

Riders who purchased additional merchandise, jerseys, and meal tickets will receive those items in their packets. Event t-shirts and socks will not be mailed to riders who do not attend the event. Any unclaimed jerseys that were purchased will be mailed following the event.


Last Name, First Name Bib #
Allen, John 244
Allred, Jay 184
Anderson, Jason 15
Asmussen, Mark 16
Atkinson, William 17
Ballard, Brook 18
Barr, Dustin 19
Barr, Lisa 185
Bartlett, Rick 298
Bartley, Jolynne 245
Basgier, Michael 20
Basile, Philip 246
Basirico, Jonathan 21
Bates, Mark 22
Baughman, Josh 23
Beaumont, Craig 24
becker, brooke 186
Bedard, Zachary 25
Bergquist, Parrish 26
Bernsen, Austin 349
Berry, Thomas 247
Biser, David 27
Bishop, Brian 28
Bishop, Jeremiah 29
BLACKBURN, Jessica 187
Bloom, Steve 30
Bodkin, David 31
Bolton, Brian 32
Borza, Michael Jay 299
Bouck, Timothy 300
Boutin, Gene 301
Brown, Grady 350
Brown, Justin 368
Brownstein, Kevin 9
Brunjes, Justin 302
Bruno, Ramon “Moe” 352
Buchanan, Rob 303
Bumbaugh, Eddie 364
Burden, Jared 248
Burow, Craig 33
Bussanich, Anthony 34
Bussard, John 35
Cachero, Eric 249
Cadwalader, Susannah 36
Carmack, Jonathan 37
Catherwood, Beth 38
Chase, Chris 39
Clark, Rashan 353
Clausen, Fabian 40
Cloud, Joseph 41
Coban, Ceyhun 304
Cogburn, Cameron 42
Coleman, Chris 43
Coleman, Eric 44
Comber, Daniel 45
Cook, Zachary 46
Cope, Steve 47
Covas, Francisco 48
Cox, Jane 354
Coyle, Martin 305
Crandlemire, Erik 306
Creed, Joseph 189
Creighton, Paul 190
Cruz, Inmer 49
Cummings, Steve 307
Curry, Jim 250
Custer, Peter 50
Czapiewski, Peter 251
D’Amico, Fabricio 252
Dancy, Conor 253
Dancy, Samantha 191
Darring, David 254
Darring, Matt 255
Dater, Elliot 256
Dattels, Peter 51
Davis, Michael 257
Day, Tim 258
Decker, Brian 52
Deeble, Paul 54
DeLoache, Bree 355
DeLong, Kenneth 192
Dias, Luis Filipe 55
Dickson, Donald 308
Diemer, Joe 309
Donnell, William 56
Dorian, Melanie 259
Doyle, Michael 57
Drawbaugh, Kevin 260
Drescher, Patryk 58
Dugan, Joe 59
Duvall, David 310
Ehlers, Abe 60
Elder, Donna 193
Erdmann, Carl 194
Erickson, Carl 261
Evans, David 61
Faircloth, Ben 311
Farr, Craig 262
Faw, Wylie 62
Filicicchia, John 4
Firari, Averi 63
Flaherty, Matthew 195
Fletcher, Eric 264
Forkovitch, James 196
Frasketi, Michael 64
Fred, Ben 265
Garrett, Stephen 65
Gates, David 66
Gaynor, Clay 67
Gentile, Boden 266
Gentile, Matthew 312
Germany, Justin 313
Giresi, April 5
Giresi, Frank 6
Glasheen, Michael 356
Gnatek, Michael 68
Godwin, Brent 267
Goldberg, Aaron 69
Graham, Jade 199
Graham, Travis 268
Grant, Steven 200
Gravett, Emily 201
Gray, Claudia 70
Gray, Jane  
Greenwald, Ganesh 202
Grigsby, Donald 269
Gruber, Ethan 71
Gudi, Sumeet 203
Guinn, Charlie 72
Halme, Adrian 270
Hamister, Katie 73
Hand, Thomas 74
Hanson, Tom 75
Harnish, Jeffrey 76
Harriman, Scott 204
Harris, Melanie 271
Harvey, Den 77
Hashem, Alex 78
Hearn, David 79
Hengartner, Marc 80
Henris, James 81
Herring, Kyle 272
Herriott, George 82
Hess, Robert 357
Hess, Stephan 83
Hildebrand, Jason 314
Hoffman, Joseph 84
Holmberg, Sandra 205
Holt, Tom 85
Howard, Michael 86
Howe, Karen 273
Hubel, Carl 87
Huggins, Andrew 365
Huggins, Bonnie 366
Hughes, Paul 274
Izenour, Christopher 88
Jacildone, Steve 315
Jarvis, Jerry 206
Jewell, David 316
Jewell, Stephen 317
Jiang, David 89
Johnson, Diane 207
Johnston, Paul 318
Kane, Brian 319
Kato, Kevin 208
Kattmann, Reed 90
Kebberly, Chris 91
Kebberly, Rebecca 209
Kechichian, Etienne 92
Keller, Jeff 93
kellogg, donn 210
Kellogg, Montgomery 211
Kelly, Vincent 275
Kesecker, Kristin 212
Kesecker, Matthew 94
Kim, Steven 95
Kim, Young 96
Kohlenberger, Jim 277
Kolodziej, Nate 278
Kontos, Emily 213
Kukulich, Mark 320
Kumer, JC 97
Lamb, Bennett 321
Lamp, Stuart 98
Lanehart, William 214
Larsson, Erik 322
Lasure, Ben 99
Ledbetter, David 100
Lee, Eun 279
Lee, Sam 215
Lehman, Jessica 323
Lekavich, Phil 101
Leung, Victor 102
Lewis, Josh 103
Lidik, Michael 104
Lodato, Joseph 216
Lynch, Byron 217
Lynch, Robert 280
Mackenzie, Angus 218
Maloof, Jane 281
Markle, Amy 219
Markle, Brett 220
Marquardt, Michael 105
Mayer, Ashley 106
McAfee, Richard 282
McBride, James 107
McChesney, Christopher 108
McHugh, Ava 221
McHugh, Chris 222
Mclaughlin, Sean 109
McLaurin, Adam 110
McMahon, Michael 324
McMahon, Sally 325
McMurray, Cheryl 326
Meehan, W. Paul 351
Mehmood, Arsalan 223
Milnichuk, Matthew 111
Minardi, Joseph 112
Misztal, Blaise 113
Mitchell, Jansen 114
Mitchell, Matthew 115
Momeyer, Deb 283
Moniz, Patrick 327
Monson, Alex 224
Montague, Gerry 2
Morgan, Jim 284
Morris, Paul 116
Mullins, Michael 8
Murray, Bill 118
nagy, steve 119
Neall, David 225
Nelmes, John 120
Nguyen, Kien 328
Nofziger, Jonathan 121
Noll, Carlton 122
Nugent, Alex 329
O’Shea, Tom 124
Olsen, Glenn 123
Orta, Konrad 330
Parton, Mark 285
Pasierb, Mark 226
Pattie, David 227
Peachey, Dylan 125
Pence, David 286
Perfall, Cal 126
Perfall, Clay 127
Perkins, Alan 128
Phifer, John 129
Piedl, Martin 130
Plahn, Jordan 131
Porras, Jose 132
Porter, Suzanne 133
Purcell, Anna 287
Pycha, Owen 134
Quinones, Miguel 135
Raack, PJ 228
Rainear, Dennis 229
Ralph, Matthew 136
Read, Preston 137
Reilly, Brian 331
Richard, Bob 230
Rider, Jim 231
Rider, Nick 138
Riet, Rudi 139
Rivera, Jorge 140
Roaf, James 141
Rockett, Gregory 232
Rodenburgh, Monique 142
Rodgers, David 143
Rogers, Patrick 144
Rossi, Jo Ann 233
Rouse, Garrie 145
Ruth, Sarah 234
Sagatov, Yuri 146
Santos, Tom 147
Schaeffer, Caleb 332
Schaeffer, Dylan 148
Schleppegrell, Christine 333
Schmerge, Mary 149
Schmerge, Pierce 150
Schreider, Caitlin 235
Sease, Zach 151
Sedluk, Martin 152
Sendall, Oliver 153
Shackelford, Grant 359
Shelby, Stuart 334
Shelton, Kathy 335
Sherry, Barry 7
Shiff, Allon 289
Shifflett, James 154
Shifflett, Marvin 360
Shoaf, Syd 336
Showalter, Michael 155
Showalter, Steven 10
Shristi, Micah 156
Siestrzewitowski, Peter 157
Sieve, Jeff 158
Simmons, Steve 291
Slocum, Justin 159
Smith, Alec 337
Smith, Marshall Tucker 292
Splendore, Tony 338
Stahl, Mark 293
Startup, Sharon 236
Stava, Ryan 160
Stein, Adam 161
Stien, Wesley 237
Stiner, Jeff 162
Strane, James 361
Strang, James 163
Stravers, Andy 164
Tempest, Nicholas 339
Tempest, Peter 340
Thibeault, Abbey 165
Thornton, Levi 166
Tilson, Mitchell 238
Timm, Jeffrey 167
Tirrell, John 294
Tishin, Anatoliy 295
Triassi, Eric 362
Trick, Jon 1
Trueblood, Andrew 296
Trumpfheller, Mike 168
Van Bebber, Stephanie 341
Vano, Robert 297
Vaughn, Michael 169
Vielbig, David 240
Wagler, Trent 170
Walk, Mitchell 171
Walter, Ben 172
Ward, Jack 173
Warno, Chris 342
Warno, Mark 343
Weaver, Dave 241
Webster, Matt 174
Weech, William 344
Weightman, Brian 175
Whetzel, Charlie 176
White, Joseph 177
Willsdon, Dominic 345
Wilson, Michael 178
wogaman, donald 346
Wood, James 243
Woodrow, Kenneth 179
Woosley, Greg 3
Wright, Ben 181
Wurtz, Richard 347
Yarnelle, LC 182
Young, Alex 348
Young, Barry 183
Zambri, Shaun 363

2023 Event Jersey

We are excited to unveil the 2023 edition Alpine Loop Gran Fondo cycling jersey, custom designed in collaboration with Cutaway USA for the 2023 Alpine Loop Gran Fondo. The 2023 design complements the 2023 finisher ribbons, inspired by the colorful fringe traditionally sewn on the leather straps of Swiss glockens. Available in Men/Unisex and Women cuts. Jerseys feature three elastic rear pockets, mesh side panels, full zip. Club Cut. See sizing guides prior to purchase.

2023 event jerseys are available for purchase with event registration or as a unique transaction, both at Jerseys purchased prior to August 4 will be guaranteed for pickup at the 2023 Alpine Loop Gran Fondo.

Rolling Toward the Weekend, Sharing Your Story, and Virtual Ways to Connect

Get pumped for this weekend’s weather forecast! Throughout the region, it looks like Mother Nature will be setting a great stage for your big adventures.

Many participants have been training for a route that’s meaningful to them. It’s been inspiring to learn about what you have planned and share in your stories. The #MyGranFondo Strava Club has been an engaging new way for participants to come together, inspire and encourage one another. If you’re participating in the 2020 Alpine Loop Gran Fondo #MyGranFondo Challenge and have yet to join the Club, it’s not too late to share in the opportunity.

If you’re still plotting an adventure for your #MyGranFondo Challenge, check out the collection of routes compiled by Jeremiah Bishop and other Alpine Loop Gran Fondo ambassadors across the country. All 2020 routes are unsupported and you are encouraged to make the safest choices given your location and unique circumstances.

The Prostate Cancer Awareness Project King and Queen of the Mountains and Sprint contests continue throughout the weekend. Participants’ efforts have been impressive! There have been massive suffer scores, hundreds of PRs, and quite a few new crowns among the activities. We’re cheering for all participants and look forward to awarding winners’ jerseys next week.

Friday, September 25, at 6:30PM Jeremiah will go live on Instagram for a happy hour-style weekend kickoff. Look for some familiar Gran Fondo faces to join him and share some special stories. Throughout the day on Saturday, September 26, he will share his Instagram story of the Alpine Loop to inspire others to similarly tell the story of what motivates and inspires their big rides.

Throughout your lead-up and preparations, big ride, and afterwards, please share your story. When participants use the hashtag #MyGranFondo and tag @JBsGranFondo, @AlpineLoopGranFondo, and @CancerJourneys on Facebook and Instagram, their stories will be shared and their achievements celebrated – including possible use in the Prostate Cancer Awareness Project video.

On Sunday morning at 8AM, virtual start line sendoff’s will be shared on Facebook and Instagram. At 6PM Jeremiah will again go live for a toast and ceremonial ringing of giant Swiss Glocken on behalf of all 2020 Alpine Loop Gran Fondo #MyGranFondo participants.

It looks to be an adventurous weekend, wherever your inspiration takes you!

2019 Route Maps, GPS Downloads

2019 routes are ready for download and turn-by-turn event-day use.

Route maps for the 2019 Alpine Loop Gran Fondo are viewable on the Routes page. To download or print cue sheets, click “view full route” in the upper left corner of the desired route frame on the routes page. Participants are encouraged to download the GPS files to their navigation devices in advance of the event. Cue sheets will be available at registration tables on site.

Gran Fondo preparations are in the final stages. We look forward to sharing the adventure with you in just a few days!


Advantage Physical Therapy at Finish Line Festival

Advantage Physical Therapy will be at the Finish Line Festival of the 2018 Alpine Loop Gran Fondo to provide on-site stretching and manual therapy techniques to assist recovery for participants. If you have tight muscles or tired joints following your big ride, head to the Advantage Physical Therapy tents where physical therapists and athletic trainers will ready to help.

As a long-time supporter of the charitable mission of the event, Advantage Physical Therapy will donate all tips or money collected for their services directly back to the cause.


Vote Harrisonburg for $25,000!

Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance is in the running for the 2016 America’s Main Street Contest and the $25,000 cash prize that comes with it!

If you’re a friend of the ‘Fondo, you know how important Harrisonburg, Virginia’s Main Street and Downtown are to the spirit of the event. You can lend your support simply by clicking the link below to cast your vote. It’s that easy!

Vote for Harrisonburg

The goal of the America’s Main Streets contest is to help promote the importance and strong economic benefits of these Main Streets and the small businesses that help them thrive. The winning Main Street will receive $25,000 in cash and related prizes to help revitalize that Main Street.

Our walkable, bikeable community offers much to explore, from nearly 4o restaurants in Virginia’s first culinary district to museums to local history. Our quality of life is highly sought after – downtown Harrisonburg is a livable, vibrant community where people are passionate about the Shenandoah Valley and creating a place that we love together. Downtown is where you can start your business, walk to work, meet your neighbors, raise your family, enjoy the mountains, get involved, and shop local.

For more information or to plan your visit to Harrisonburg, Virginia, click here.

Get Inspired by the Alpine Loop Gran Fondo

The incredible talents of videographer Scott Wooten and the Joe Foley Photography team came together to capture an amazing glimpse into the adventure of Jeremiah Bishop’s Alpine Loop Gran Fondo! The result is sure to inspire.