Pavé to Dirt, Ready for the Roads

Wondering what to expect from the Alpine Loop and how to ready your road bike for the challenge?

The route is 105 miles, with smooth climbs and serpentine descents, but you’ve probably heard about the 11 miles of mountainous dirt roads that add to the adventure and allure of the Alpine Loop.

Get ready to roll over a variety of surfaces on the Alpine Loop
Get ready to roll over a variety of surfaces on the Alpine Loop

Check out the newest Page “Dirt, Tires and Gears” with a description of the varied road surfaces you’ll encounter along the route and equipment recommendations for your adventure.

You’re also invited to join the Alpine Loop Tire Discussion hosted at

Get Inspired by the Alpine Loop Gran Fondo

The incredible talents of videographer Scott Wooten and the Joe Foley Photography team came together to capture an amazing glimpse into the adventure of Jeremiah Bishop’s Alpine Loop Gran Fondo! The result is sure to inspire.

Training Rides: Save the Dates

Mark your calendar for these opportunities to join other riders to train for the Alpine Loop and Shenandoah Mountain Adventure.
  • Sunday, July 28
    Front Royal, VA
  • Weekend of August 24-25
    Harrisonburg, VA
    (This event will have an afternoon spin, equipment check and optional dinner, followed the next day by a big training ride on course and Q&A session.)

These fully-supported rides will help you ready for the challenge of the Alpine Loop Gran Fondo. Both events will be lead by Jeremiah, with assistance from other professional cyclists. Expect a taste of some steep climbs and dirt roads (if you’re training for the Alpine Loop). Entry includes ride snacks, drinks, SAG vehicles, meal, and Q&A discussion.

Full details for each event will be posted by June 21.

2013 Event Registration Open

Registration for the 2013 Alpine Loop Gran Fondo is live on

The 2013 event includes the 105-mile Alpine Loop; 75-mile Shenandoah Mountain Adventure; and 35-mile Valley View Challenge.

Regular registration is open through midnight, August 31. Registration will close earlier when field limits have been reached.


Introducing the new!

We’re excited to launch an all-new version of

The new platform will allow us to post news, updates, announcements; share photos and links; and keep all of the event information up-to-date in a layout that is much more user-friendly and visually appealing.

This week, we appreciate your patience as we build the site with all the info you’ll need to plan and prepare for the 2013 Alpine Loop Gran Fondo.

You can still register for the event, sign up for newsletter updates, and join in the conversations on Facebook and Twitter.

Thanks for being a part of the adventure!